Bring the Power of Professionalism to your workplace. With our services custom designed to meet the needs of individuals, teams, or organizations, we’re sure to have the right tools to meet your unique circumstance.
360 Assessment – The 360 Professional Assessment utilizes coworker, client, and customer feedback to guide your professional development. Determine who resonates the most with your professional identity and gather specialized insights from your colleagues for how your commitment to professionalism could impact others.
Group 360 Assessment – Similar to the Individual 360 Assessment, the Group 360 Assessment gauges how deeply ingrained a culture of professionalism is within your team. Assess how far each member of your team has progressed in their aspirations to professionalism and compare those results to other teams across your organization and industry while uncovering the key issues limiting you from becoming a stronger professional community.
Organizational Diagnostic – Determine the impact of professional values on your organizational culture and how those values are directly influencing your business performance. What are the key pain points standing against the adoption of professional values your culture? How can professionalism directly impact your daily operations? Find out with an Organizational Diagnostic and start embedding professionalism into your culture.

Leaders require both strategic and tactical tools to drive a successful professionalism initiative. Organizational Diagnostics provide a great way to determine which tools you’ll need, but when paired with an Organizational Change Consultation we can help you identify and solve your problems.
After administering an organizational diagnostic, our team will determine the focal areas in your organizational culture in need of improved professionalism. We’ll then present those findings, along with our recommended interventions, to your leadership team in a facilitated offsite. We will pinpoint the training and other services needed to bring the power of professionalism to your organization.

Bring individual and team identities into greater harmony with your professional organizational culture through targeted coaching. Designed for groups or individuals seeking a high-touch solution for professional identity building, Situational Coaching focuses on the specific issues that are impacting your pursuit of a greater professional culture.

Designed for the executive looking to spark professional change in their organization, Executive Coaching offers the opportunity to develop professionalism throughout your organization by strengthening commitment and improving communications. By reasserting professionalism as a core organizational value, these confidential, one-on-one sessions are framed by the Center, Challenge, Reinforce model of organizational development to best
For twelve years, The Power of Professionalism has delivered custom-tailored interventions to reveal professionalism’s potential and help organizations set the stage for it to flourish. Available courses include:
- The Power of Professionalism: An Introduction
- Just-Start Professional Values in Your Teams
- The Ultimate Assessment Tool: Evolving as a Professional?

- Why Identity Should Be Your New Best Friend
- Check Your Alignment: Centering Your Organization Around Professional Values
Game Changers: Using Professionalism’s Promise to Win Over External Stakeholders
Making it Stick: Institutionalizing Professional Values
Our skilled course facilitators can deliver these workshops to your organization, or train members of your team to facilitate a
professionalism workshop or class internally.
For twelve years, The Power of Professionalism has delivered custom-tailored interventions to reveal professionalism’s potential and help organizations set the stage for it to flourish. Available courses include:
- The Power of Professionalism: An Introduction
- Just-Start Professional Values in Your Teams
- The Ultimate Assessment Tool: Evolving as a Professional?

Each Video Training series is also available with the accompanying Management Toolsets. Specifically for frontline managers, the Management Toolsets work to reinforce learning objectives with 10-15 minute exercises that focus the unique ways managers can raise the bar on team professionalism.


In his career as a management consultant, board director, and company president, Bill Wiersma has taken his professional wisdom to thousands of leaders in an effort to promote a culture of professionalism within Fortune 1000 companies, top universities, and leading professional associations . Bill’s available topics include:
- Professionalism—Take It Personally, Very Personally
- Look Ma, No Training!—How a Professional’s Mind-Sets Trump Their Skill-Sets
- Finally, a Development Approach Employees Clamor For