Quick! Think of the people who you tend to hang around with. You know, people you don’t have to hang around, but people you want to hang around. For instance, the colleague at work who you can confidently confide in…the life-long friend who has always known how to buoy you up in moments of despair…the relative who always has your back…the college roommate who gave it to you straight when you were about to receive academic probation. What do they have in common?
Allison Morrissey of Durango, Colorado (who received an Advanced Readers Copy of The Power of Professionalism) made an astute observation when pondering that question. She notes, “Now I can articulate why I like my social circle so much. They come from every economic strata. They represent every educational strata. They cover a myriad of tongues, creeds, and skin colors. The commonality amongst them? They’re all professionals.”
How about you? Are you hanging around with professionals?