Real Artists Ship

Today’s post was inspired by a colleague friend of mine–Sally Helgesen–a gifted author and management consultant.

Sally was reminiscing that her favorite Steve Jobs quote was “ Real Artists Ship”.   I can’t help but relate this quote to Mind-Set #1–Professionals Have A Bias For Results.

By ‘ship’, Jobs means produce…get your stuff to market….get people to try your stuff, weigh-in on it…all the while taking a risk.  Of course, your stuff may well be a product, but also could be a service–doesn’t matter.

Big ideas are fine…partially-designed  products on a drawing board may temporarily inspire…but until you ‘ship’, it’s all theory.  Results begin with ‘shipping’.

Do it and you’ll show the world why you matter–just as Jobs did!

Youth Is Served – The Finest Professionals Can Offer

The Julian Krinsky Group is a prestigious sports and educational entity that serves more than 4,000 young people each year through leading-edge summer programs.  Based in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, the Group serves families from all over the world.  Their standards are high—really high! Their aim is to deliver the very finest, most innovative, learning experiences possible.

The staff is young—typically those in their early 20’s. Delivering such high quality programs through a young staff is no easy task. Tina Krinsky, Chief Visionary Officer of the Group, found the mind-set material “the perfect inspiration for my dozen different orientation speeches that I give to over 400 staff from all over the world.”

Of course, Tina wanted to instill within the staff the standards of excellence that was expected of them.  But more importantly, she told the staff that she considered each and every one of them a professional—- certainly a contrarian notion when one considers their young age. Yet she noted, “we deliver the finest, most professional, learning experiences for young people in the world. Only you as professionals can ensure that happens. I have every confidence you will do exactly that.” They do.

Tina sees in those young staffers what they can’t immediately see in themselves. By the end of each  summer, staffers grow just as much as their young students do. They grow—not because they are trying to do something—but because they are attempting to be something.

Dear ‘Ol Dad

Gary Meneghin, a former client of mine, is now retired and restores classic bicycles in his spare time. His restored bicycles are sought out by Hollywood producers and other like-minded people who appreciate the work of a true artisan. In other words, they recognize excellence when they see it. ‘Passionate guy’ is one way to describe Gary. And he calls ‘em like he sees ‘em….even when it hurts. After reading The Power of Professionalism he had a revelation about his father who had passed away years earlier.Continue reading

Change Your View, Change Your Life

I’m a big believer that when your view changes, your life does too!

Consider this experience from Jim “Gymbeaux” Brown of Slidell, Louisiana he shared with me via e-mail. He enthusiastically gave me permission to share it:

“True story, happened last month. Was waiting for a visitor to come through the airport terminal. While waiting, a man in a janitor’s uniform stopped near where I was sitting along with his janitor type cart. Continue reading

Lost Book…Lost Cause?

I’ve observed that many who received an Advanced Readers Copy of The Power of Professionalism have made a lot of notes and posted a ton of tape-flags in their books. In other words, they took the book to heart—something that every author secretly wishes for. One gentleman said in his Amazon review that he’d never loan his book out—simply because it was too valuable.

Fast forward to an e-mail I received last week from a colleague-friend, Mike Kelly.Continue reading

Silicon Valley Leader’s TPOP Megaphone


I’m sharing an e-mail that was sent to me from a senior leader in the Silicon Valley that I thought you’d appreciate. This senior leader is communicating with his people – through the lens of the seven mind-sets in The Power of Professionalism (TPOP).

The leader is a very successful start-up guy…a real peach of a guy. He’s the top guy in his company.

He’s familiar with my work–having previously read The Big AHA!

He agreed I could share his e-mail as long I extracted the company’s name – which I have. I have substituted in its place the fictitious name Walnutians. Continue reading

Who Ya Hanging With?

Quick! Think of the people who you tend to hang around with. You know, people you don’t have to hang around, but people you want to hang around. For instance, the colleague at work who you can confidently confide in…the life-long friend who has always known how to buoy you up in moments of despair…the relative who always has your back…the college roommate who gave it to you straight when you were about to receive academic probation. What do they have in common?

Allison Morrissey of Durango, Colorado (who received an Advanced Readers Copy of The Power of Professionalism) made an astute observation when pondering that question.  She notes, “Now I can articulate why I like my social circle so much. They come from every economic strata.  They represent every educational strata. They cover a myriad of tongues, creeds, and skin colors. The commonality amongst them? They’re all professionals.”

How about you? Are you hanging around with professionals?