Danboise Mechanical’s Impressive ‘Recovery’ Habit

Let’s face it, we all fall short in our attempts to be a professional. Whether it’s a small slip-up or something truly bone-headed, ‘recovery’ is really important. ‘Recovery’ (i.e. apologizing or the equivalent) speaks volumes about the professionalism of the individual and collectively it says a lot about the culture of the organization the person is a part of.  Without some form of ‘recovery’, people typically hold grudges that tend to poison the work environment.  An organization that has successfully created a habit within their people of ‘recovering from professional gaffes’ is to be admired. One of my clients, Danboise Mechanical, has successfully created such a habit.  This admirable habit is just one of the ‘fruits’ Danboise has reaped by adopting ‘professional values’ as their north arrow.

To read more about Danboise Mechanical’s impressive ‘recovery habit’ click here.

Breaking Down Silos

The greatest opportunities for innovation and overall improvement (whether they be tactical or strategic) are typically across departments/functions/disciplines.  Said another way, silos (e.g. departments/functions/disciplines) and the behaviors that accompany a ‘silo mentality’ typically work against innovation and improvement. Disarming a ‘silo mentality’ is a big deal, because virtually every organization suffers in one form or another from it.  One of our clients, Danboise Mechanical, successfully disarmed the ‘silo mentality’ within their organization. They were able to do so because of the emphasis they put on professional values across the enterprise. It was a tremendous accomplishment.  You can read more about it here.