Identity–The Secret Sauce For Families

As I wrote about in The Power of Professionalism there is great power in this ‘thing’ we call identity.   Identity answers the question ‘who am I?’ or, in the case of the collective, ‘who are we?’  Knowing who we are (or wanting to become) is a powerful north arrow—especially when things get rocky.

The Power of Professionalism dealt with one’s identity as a professional; although identity is obviously just as powerful in other aspects of one’s life as well.

In a March 2013 New York Times article– The Stories That Bind Us—journalist Bruce Feiler shares how identity becomes the secret sauce for families.  Feiler refers extensively in the article about the importance of family narrative—which formed the basis for the article’s title.  As Feiler points out, family narrative is really important. I wholeheartedly concur.

Yet to me the family narrative is the outward manifestation of family’s all-important identity of themselves.  And that’s the key: when you know who you are a lot of things naturally take care of themselves–whether it’s in the workplace or within a family. Enjoy the article…it’s especially good.