Don’t Let A New Organizational Structure Become the Grist For Employee’s Cynicism Mill

Here’s an interesting question, “Of all the organizational structures out there (i.e. matrix, self-management, traditional hierarchy, etc) is there one you recommend that will best leverage a culture centered around professional values?”

I get this question occasionally. The short answer is ‘no’…’no’ I don’t advocate one organizational structure over another.

People get pretty enamored with organizational structure. Some see it as a silver bullet.  Some unknowingly (and sometimes unconsciously) view it as a substitute for good management.

Long story short: an organization with an unhealthy culture that adopts a new organizational structure will likely remain an unhealthy organization.  Structure is not a substitute for good management.

People make the difference, structure is merely a tool. There are many examples of organizations with admirable cultures that happen to have unique organizational structures. Yet, look deeper…what typically makes these organizations ‘tick’ is the way their people think. Their people think like professionals.

Note: let’s acknowledge that structure can indeed influence thinking. The difference between the winners and the losers is the depth of thinking (and commitment). Organizational structure should never be a substitute for things like organizational purpose, jointly-held values, engagement, etc.

I’ve seen organizations with the most convoluted organizational structures (one that seemingly wouldn’t work) that shine.  The reason it works is because of their people.     In other words, the professionals overcame the arcane structure.

Bottom line: professional values can add value to virtually any organizational structure.  The most important part is the professionals, not the structure.

What prompted this post was an article about Zappos eliminating their managers—adopting a vastly different organizational structure. I suspect it will help Zappos…as their culture is admirable, their management committed. Yet, too often a new organizational structure (which can, to a lessor degree, also include shifting the boxes on the org chart) ultimately becomes grist for employee’s cynicism mill. 





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The Professional Mindset

Inspired by “The Power Of Professionalism” by Bill Wiersma

by Jennifer Fruin WCUI 2013

We as society don’t often seize the “dare to be great” moment. The moment that separates the “boys from the men”, the chance to challenge the norm, to go against the grain to prove there is more than one answer or path. We complain of this monotonous, uninventive routine where one person or group of people separate us into groups of white and blue collars. They decide who is a professional, and who is not. They decide who makes millions and who makes minimum wage. All the while, we are never stepping up and out of the box, not only to help ourselves, but others as well. At least that is what I used to think. Cecil Castle once said, “Professionalism is a frame of mind, not a paycheck.” This means that anyone could potentially be a professional. I never gave myself a chance at a self-label of “professional”. I figured some higher up in Regis (or even higher up than that) had already decided I was a guppy instead of a shark (or a whale, or some other big fish in the small pond I found myself swimming in). I was only doing the job I was hired to do; wash, cut, style, repeat. I was not a maintenance person, nor a janitor. I was neither a manager, nor a receptionist. I definitely was not a therapist, and I sure didn’t feel the fulfillment. I felt as though I was just clocking in and cutting hair and when the day was over, this complacent role dragged on. I let it seep into my personal life and I did not notice a problem until I read “The Power of Professionalism”. It made me realize that this “menial” job I attached to the word “stylist” meant more than just being a service provider. Cover to cover, the book spoke to me. Page after page, vital information was written on how to improve every aspect of life. I made myself a cheat sheet, to show me what I learned in each chapter, and how I would apply it to my own life. The rest of this paper is what I came up with.

Mindset 2: Professionals Realize (and Act Like) They’re Part of Something Bigger Than Themselves

Mindset Two really was great for me to see, and I figured this is where I needed to start my changes. This mindset explains that professionals “Commit to the success of the firm, organization, or client, realize that success transcends their own parochial interests and collaborate as an effective team member.” Although I could see the bigger picture, albeit sometimes different than the one actually painted, something was off. I was identifying areas where others were lacking, and I’d put my extra effort in. To me, it didn’t matter who did the work, as long as it was done. However, I was failing. I was so eager to pick up another task and make sure not only that it was done, but done right. I was being taken advantage of because other people around me knew I’d do the task they didn’t feel was important enough for them to do. In all reality, every task, every assignment, every decision is important. While I thought helping out was being an effective team member, the fact that others were not participating meant I was a team of one, unless I could get the others on board.

So there I was, back at square one, and I asked myself, “What can I do to get us all working together, and broadening the scope of our professionalism?” We were all there together for work, but we weren’t working together. At one point, another stylist actually posted a note that read: “I am not your mother, clean up your own damn mess.” Well wait a minute, what if that stylist was exceptionally busy and needed a hand to catch up? I took down the note.

The next shop meeting started out like any other, where no one vocalized their opinions. They were just anxiously staring at the clock waiting to be dismissed. I then took the opportunity to bring up the note and explained that while the mess was not the other stylist’s, I was sure that the mess maker would have appreciated the extra hand. I explained further that, “maybe the clients would be more appreciative of our team work as well.” Having kids at home, I understand after a long day, it’s exhausting to come home and clean up another mess, but as an adult and role model, I want to teach my children the right thing to do in that situation. The same applies to work. If one stylist would step up to help another stylist, or another customer, we would be part of something bigger. We would be enhancing someone else’s experience, by putting their needs and comfort above our own. Once the morale and support was lifted in the shop, other things started to change as well.

Mindset 4: Professionals Have Personal Standards That Often Transcend Organizational Ones

Mindset Four refers to the core values of the individual. A person who follows Mindset Four does what is right, over what is fast. They avoid the needless drama, leaving “high school” behavior behind, and they stay focused. This mindset was easy to read, but difficult to implement.

The hard part about being a stylist is typically the drama and gossip. Stylists tend to bash other stylist’s work and they share private information about their clients. They sometimes even spend the whole appointment talking about the woes of their own lives. I’ll admit I have been guilty of this in the past to some degree as well. The best solution I found to that problem is having a list of things to talk about and I repeat these “scripted” conversations to every client. I make notes on their client cards of what we discussed in the appointment, so when they return, we can pick up on a topic that they are comfortable with. In my personal life, I have simply eliminated the people who aren’t propelling me forward. The only way to become enlightened by this mindset is to diminish the back scatter, those who only bring bad news, and the general “ugly” of negativity. In turn, this brings the focus back to what is important.

Growing up, my mother (and grandmother) did a few things that were annoying at the time, but are appreciated now. She instilled some knowledge-based core values, like an extensive vocabulary and the desire for as much education as I am privy to. She also told me at the “end of the day”; my word is all I have. My honesty, integrity and commitment to improve my quality of life, are the things that will take me places. They will help me to earn the trust of my clients.

The next step was to uphold the letter of the law. I wanted to show that I was dependable to my clients, my staff, and my family. If that meant staying a few minutes late to help a coworker finish cleaning up the shop, or taking a few extra minutes to help with the kids’ homework, that’s what I did. Not only did that keep the morning chaos at work to a minimum, it also showed my kids that whatever they were doing was important to me.

Mindset 7: Professionals Aspire to Reveal Value in Others

The true professional has a bias for results, is part of something bigger, is always prepared, has core values, delivers on their commitments, and doesn’t seek immediate gratification. All of these things are encompassed by the most important mindset. This mindset aspires to lift others up, appreciate what other professionals contribute, and places trust with those who need it.

I have always been a person who needs control. I used to get anxious if I was watching someone complete a task I assigned. I wasn’t open enough to trust them to do the task the right way (my way). I was only concerned about my opinion and my needs. Some people in my circle have said I deserve to be selfish after the things I have been through. Being selfish however, is not only exhausting, it is not me. Some people might think because I like things done my way, I’m being selfish. In all reality, I have been tad “tight-leashed” when I find successful routes. I am becoming a person who puts people first, while showing them (not expecting) how I understand, retain, or complete things. This has made me a little more relaxed when I see people struggling “their way” because I feel comfortable enough to demonstrate other options. “Peter pays for Paul”, in that we only succeed as a team if we are truly all succeeding.

This mindset went in and diminished my secret stash of anxiety, distrust, and negativity. It gave me the comfort I so desperately sought out, and helped me to lend my trust to the other employees (trusting they would perform salon duties to the best of their abilities) and helped me to place trust in my family. While in my head, no one was a better professional than I, and no one was a more suited mother than I, I learned to trust those around me. I felt the weight of a thousand commitments fall off my shoulders.

Today my world is different. I’m listening to my clients like they require me to. I am spending quality time with my kids. I’ve released the anger I was holding on to when I moved to Phoenix. I have completely changed my idea of how things are supposed to be.

What makes me a professional? I’ll do the bottom work, I make sure my coworkers are set and I will make sure my clients are comfortable. If they need anything, I’ll take care of it (within normal limits, allowing others to shine as well). My demeanor has become more successful, thus I am more successful. My clients are happier, my family is happier I am happier. While following Mindset Seven to bring out the value of others, when it is combined with Mindsets Two and Four, a group succession is more than possible, it is guaranteed.

The Power of Professionalism to me, was more than a book teaching me how to act professional. This book showed me how to be a better me. It showed me how to succeed in any given area. It proved to me that I am not professional because of my clothes, or my job title. According to the book, I’m a professional because I’m caring and understanding, I’m a problem solver not a problem maker. I can ease my clients and will go the extra mile to make them happy and my kids as well. Bill Wiersma really broke the mold, when he wrote this book and I plan to continue to implement it in every aspect of life. Julius Irving said it best, “Being a professional is doing the things you love to do, on the days you don’t feel like doing them.”

A Professional Joins the Competition—and Feeling Good About It.

A colleague friend of mine just recently jumped ships–having left one major accounting firm for another. He was very loyal to his former employer, having made significant sacrifices over many years. During his time with his former firm, he clearly had the firm’s best interests at heart—just as a professional would. Think: mind-set two.

Yet, he never made partner—the holy grail for most in these types of firms.

He’s one now! As integral to the offer, his new firm offered him a partnership. He followed his own self-interests, he took the job. Good for him.

As we pointed out in The Power of Professionalism, being a professional doesn’t mean being a door-mat. It doesn’t mean adopting blind, mindless, loyalty.  And it doesn’t mean abandoning your own self-interests.

Keeping balance between your own interests and your organization’s is sometimes tricky—it requires judgment and discipline.  It’s been said that “professionals create more value than they extract”. My colleague friend did just that while at his former firm. I hope he feels good about his decision. As professional, he should.

Minimizing Politics In Your Company

The topic of organizational politics is always a hot one.  I’m sharing a terrific article by Ben Horowitz which speaks to approaches that, when followed, will minimize organizational politics.

This particular article—now over three years old—is definitely centered around the executive suite, but the principles can be applied outside the executive suite as well.

Ben’s blog is one my favorites.  The quality of his writing—and the thinking that drives it—is just terrific. Enjoy.

When Recruiting Don’t Under-Estimate The Impact of Professional Values

The principles from The Power of Professionalism, of course, can be applied in a myriad of ways. Jennifer (Jenn) Schoenhofer, President and CEO of Atlanta-based Axis Teknologies, had a really interesting one.

She was recently hiring for a position that would be a part of her executive team.  Obviously, this is an especially important position.  And if you knew Jenn you wouldn’t  find it surprising she has adopted the ‘we only hire professionals’ philosophy.

She uses that philosophy and makes it integral during the interview process.  Jenn is  clear with each candidate….“Professional values are our north arrow here.  They’re integrated into every facet of how we go about our business.” She especially loves this aspect of the interview –and she reports the candidates respond to it really well too.

Jenn carefully selected her preferred candidate and extends an offer.  The candidate accepts.  You know what’s coming….the candidate’s company counters–financially sweetening the pot.  Then the candidate reneges on their acceptance to Jenn’s offer.  Jenn re-counters, but not with money. She meets with the candidate again and re-emphasizes (of all things) just how Axis’s professional values will enhance the quality of the candidates work life AND how it will drive the company’s success in the future.

Shortly after that the candidate resigned from their company and joined Axis.  Jenn is thrilled and so is the candidate.

This particular candidate left a well-known, well-established leader in the telecom industry. They left a prestigious job for something that they felt had even greater appeal.  Jenn tells me that a significant factor in the candidates decision to leave was Axis’s commitment to professionalism (and all that goes with that).  In fact, she indicated that virtually every candidate she interviewed for that particular job found great appeal in the emphasis Axis was putting on professional values.

The war for talent is real so don’t overlook recruitment as yet another (in a long list) of ways that professionalism makes your organization more competitive.

Thanks to Jenn in her willingness to share…

Helps on the ‘How-To’s In Developing Mind-Set Three

There was a ton of research that went into The Power of ProfessionalismYet sometimes you miss or overlook a reference that you later wish you would have been able to incorporate into your book.  Carol Dweck’s Mindset is one such reference.

The premise of her book is that mindset has an enormous influence on achievement and success.  Mindset, she believes, trumps talent when it comes to achievement and success.  I couldn’t agree more and have made that very point in The Power of Professionalism.

Dweck believes that there are two primary mindsets—either growth oriented or fixed.   Those with a growth oriented mind-set, she explains, actually expand their intelligence and, of course, their capacity to take on ever-increasing challenges.  Those with a fixed mindset tend to believe that their intelligence is pre-determined –which thwarts them on any number of levels.

Praising children’s intelligence and ability, she argues, doesn’t foster self esteem and can be completely counter-productive in terms of buoying children up over the long term.  She writes that ‘praising effort has a far greater impact’.

To me, Dweck’s book Mindset compliments The Power of Professionalism (and vice versa).

What’s common between the teaching within the two books?

***the emphasis on mindset (especially over talent) as a driver of trust and success.

***the emphasis of one’s view of themselves as a driving determinant in their life.  (Note: In TPOP this is greatly emphasized, although less so in Dweck’s Mindset.)  

*** the commonality (especially) between mind-set three (e.g. professionals know things get better when they get better) and Dweck’s growth mindset.

Are there differences?

***Maybe.  I’m not sure if Dweck believes there are only two core mindsets or there are more than that.  Of course, in TPOP we identify seven.

***In TPOP we identified mindsets (plural) that produced trust. In Dweck’s book her growth-oriented mindset (singular) was focused almost exclusively on ‘success’.  That’s an important distinction…and thus a difference.

***In TPOP we strongly emphasize being something.  Doing something was more the emphasis in Dweck’s Mindset book.

What’s unique about Dweck’s book when contrasted with The Power of Professionalism?   

***the researched based arguments she gives to the ability to grow intelligence.

***the advice she gives to those wishing to instill a growth mindset (or for that matter mindset three) within others.  Especially important–praise effort, not innate ability.

Beefs worth mentioning:

***Just one.  For those that have a ‘success or achievement orientation’, Dweck’s book will be especially pertinent. A great many examples in the book were from people who certainly appear to have had that orientation. Yet there are many who don’t value ‘success’ as the be-all-end-all. For them I’m not convinced that all of what Dweck advances in this book holds true. For instance, Dweck advances the premise that those holding a fixed mind-set begrudge the success of others (page 245 in the paperback version). That’s not my experience at all.

For many ‘personal growth’ is simply not one of their top values. Many of these same people also hold what Dweck refers to as a fixed mind-set. I’ve met many such people in my lifetime. Yet the vast majority don’t begrudge the success of others.

I bring this up as an illustration that, to me, Dweck tends to generalize a bit in this book—the begrudging the success of others being one example.

Bottom line:

Despite some (manageable) differences, the two books complement one another nicely.  Given different circumstances, I would have referenced Dweck’s Mindset book in my first edition. Chapter seven alone (how parents can instill a growth mindset in their kids) is worth the price of the book.  For those achievement-oriented fans of TPOP that want complimentary ideas on how to develop a deeper, stronger mind-set three, this book will help you do that.

Identity–The Secret Sauce For Families

As I wrote about in The Power of Professionalism there is great power in this ‘thing’ we call identity.   Identity answers the question ‘who am I?’ or, in the case of the collective, ‘who are we?’  Knowing who we are (or wanting to become) is a powerful north arrow—especially when things get rocky.

The Power of Professionalism dealt with one’s identity as a professional; although identity is obviously just as powerful in other aspects of one’s life as well.

In a March 2013 New York Times article– The Stories That Bind Us—journalist Bruce Feiler shares how identity becomes the secret sauce for families.  Feiler refers extensively in the article about the importance of family narrative—which formed the basis for the article’s title.  As Feiler points out, family narrative is really important. I wholeheartedly concur.

Yet to me the family narrative is the outward manifestation of family’s all-important identity of themselves.  And that’s the key: when you know who you are a lot of things naturally take care of themselves–whether it’s in the workplace or within a family. Enjoy the article…it’s especially good.

I Really Can’t Put My Finger On It

I recently received an email from a colleague friend who owns and operates a very successful  executive search firm. She’s quite familiar with The Power of Professionalism.  At the very end of her note she added the following PS:  

“I was comparing two people yesterday. I said to myself, ‘Person A is highly professional. It’s not that Person B is unprofessional, but Person A is notably highly professional.’ I really couldn’t put my finger on some detail or example that brought me to this conclusion. Odd.”

Isn’t that the truth?  Often times it’s our intuition that whispers to us how professional someone is. And more-often-than-not the assessment this woman was making is an unconscious process for most of us. 

There’s just something about how the person conducts themselves—which often translates to a lot of little, yet terribly important, things.  Taken in aggregate, it reveals a tapestry that could only have been created by a professional.           

In organizational settings (particularly) we’re prone to compare—it’s the nature of the beast. We compare because we must.  Who do we hire—candidate A or B? Which service provider—A or B–gets the new maintenance contract?       

Differentiating oneself is tough. Yet, I’ve learned that professionalism can be a big differentiator. For trusted professionals the key is to get others to notice—even if the person really can’t put their finger on the ‘why’.